Category Archives: Settlements

TSA Performs Patdown on 3 Year Old Girl in a Wheelchair on Her Way to Disney World

Airport Security

On February 9th, TSA agents at the St. Louis airport detained Lucy Forck as she and her family were boarding a flight for Orlando, FL.  Lucy has spina bifida and is confined to a wheelchair.  Lucy, and her parents, Nathan and Annie Forck, along with her two siblings, cleared the TSA checkpoint without incident.  However, as they were at the gate ready to board, a TSA agent pulled Lucy aside for additional screening measures.  They wanted to pat her down.  According to Nathan Forck, the TSA agents told him they were singling her out for this additional screening because she’s in a wheelchair. They said they are specifically targeting disabled people for this special scrutiny.

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Ali Syed Goes On Killing Spree


Authorities say that there was no motive Ali Syed’s shooting spree in Orange, California.  Ali Syed, a 20 year-old student, shot and killed three people and injuring four in the early morning of February 19, 2013.

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Star Wars-Type Technology Coming to Life

Robotic hand

As a disability and personal injury lawyer, it pains me to see my clients in agony.  It is just as disheartening to see children and veterans suffer.

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Christina Regusters Charged With Kidnap and Rape

Similar playground the five year old was found

There has been some alarming news in Philadelphia this morning.  A five year old elementary student was kidnapped, assaulted, and raped by a 19 year-old daycare worker.  Christina Regusters, the daycare worker, allegedly wrapped herself in a Muslim  veil, similar to what the five year old’s mother wears, and took the student out of class.  They then proceeded to a nearby house where the girl was told to strip, put on a long t-shirt, and hide under the covers.  Regusters apparently dropped the five year old 18 hours later at a nearby park.

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Criminal courts

I came across a new Texas Court of Criminal Appeals decision that should be read by anyone who practices criminal defense law in Texas. The cite is 369 SW3d 205. Before this decision many judges in Texas were ruling that the Rules of Evidence do not apply to probation revocation hearings because they were adminstrative in nature. This case clarifies that the Texas Rules of Evidene do apply to revocation hearing. As of this decision, hearsay is not allowed to be used as evidence in revocation hearings. I hope this helps! This case is a must read.