Author Archives: Lawyer Team
Salty Students Receive $1 Million For Being Peppered
New Apple iPhone Patent Raises First Amendment Concerns
Apple recently acquired a patent that would disable an iPhone’s camera, recording ability and even put it into sleep mode. The patent characterizes its function as “forcing certain electronic devices to enter ‘sleep mode’ when entering a sensitive area”. There are certainly some benefits of this feature that would make life a little less annoying. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to never enjoy a film without the interruption of someone’s cell phone? College lectures would be silent of ringtones and it could even cut down on cheating. While these functions appear to be harmless and even beneficial, there are serious legal questions being raised that cause some to worry about other uses of the patent. What exactly is a sensitive area and who gets to determine this?
Colorado Man Wins $7.2 Million From Popcorn Fumes
President Obama Appeals Injuction to Stop NDAA
Federal Judge Katherine recently put in place a permanent injunction to block the Obama Administration from implementing the indefinite detention portions of the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act. President Obama has appealed this decision. In this law, American citizens’ right of due process and trial by jury have been severely weakened if not destroyed. Any citizen considered an ‘associated force’ to terrorism may be held indefinitely. This ambiguous language has left many to question what specifically an ‘associated force’ means.