As one of the longest running shows on television, The Simpsons is known for its comedic approach to middle-class life, accompanied by an unforgettable animated cast. The series is recognizable by not only the voices of the characters but also the theme song and other compositions played throughout. Viewers may thank lead composer, Alf Clausen, for his contribution to the series. The Emmy-winner had worked for his employer since the second season started in 1990. Unfortunately, Fox cut ties with Clausen in 2017, terminating his employment. Clausen, however, did not take his dismissal lightly and filed a discrimination lawsuit in August 2019. Continue reading
Author Archives: Kati Latina
Change Your Business Model
During the pandemic, one of the concerns that may not have initially come to mind was coins. Due to the potential fear of contamination and the risk of the virus, many people are opting to use only their credit cards and refuse to touch coins and paper money. While consumers frantically purchase toilet paper for their households, owners of some establishments are pocketing change. Chipotle is one such restaurant that is refraining from returning the proper change amount when their customers pay with cash. The customers that have become victim to this misappropriation have banded together to file a class action lawsuit against Chipotle. Continue reading
Lawsuit on the Menu
Restaurants, eateries, and bars in New York City are allegedly receiving less than fair or equal treatment by the New York State Liquor Authority (SLA). While one establishment received a liquor license suspension after 30 warnings or violations, the liquor license for another restaurant was revoked after only one violation. One of the restaurants that has been handed a liquor license suspension is fighting back, claiming the SLA conducted a hollow investigation and did not uphold the rules of due process. The restaurant is Cloister Café, located in the East Village. Continue reading
Suing Over Septic
Updating and repairing a house comes with the job of being a homeowner. While some homes undergo massive remodels, others are subject to minor aesthetic alterations. Replacing the existing septic system or hot water heater are not exciting projects, but they may be necessary to keep up with building codes or the basic functioning of the home. Donald Woods is one such homeowner who was required by the town of Southampton, NY to update his home due to an apparent permit that was not acquired in the mid-1960’s when the second story to the home was built. Woods purchased the home in 2003. In order to bring the home up to code, Woods was instructed to install a new and improved septic system that would reduced nitrogen contribution. Continue reading
Grab Your Margaritas, the Lawsuit is Over
The parties involved in a lawsuit, which stalled the building of a Margaritaville resort in Fort Myers Beach, FL, have come to an agreement. The plaintiffs in the case alleged that the construction and plan for the resort was arguably unconstitutional and would lead to a negative impact due to its size and density. This lawsuit, however, was not the sole complaint about the project, as other lawsuits in the past have been filed in an attempt to stop the development. Naturally, the litigation costs required of the lawsuits have hindered the financing of the project itself. Despite any downfalls or roadblocks that the lawsuits have caused, the plan to create the resort is now underway. Continue reading