Category Archives: Settlements

OMG! One Direction Gets To Keep Their Name!

Not a fan

British boy band One Direction has recently settled with an American punk band of the same name who attempted to sue the band declaring they had the name first. The California-based punk band, who mostly plays local fairs and bars, claim to have been using the name since 2009.  In maybe the least punk-rock move ever, the American One Direction reportedly asked for $1 million dollars and and a percentage of the teenybopper’s future success. The settlement did include a monetary exchange, but the amount remains undisclosed.

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Camden Man Slits Throats on PCP


Phencyclidine also known as PCP is a hallucinogenic drug that when smoked can cause violent outbursts and thrashing.  Oswaldo Rivera, from Camden, New Jersey has learned this the hard way after smoking the drug “wet”; “Wet” is the street term used to describe the combination of PCP and marijuana.  Rivera is being charged with murder and attempted murder after he broke in to an apartment and slit the throats of two young children.  The 6 year old boy passed away and his 12 year old sister was sent to the hospital in critical condition.  Cops linked the murder to Rivera after they had found footprints on the scene that had matched his bloody shoes.  The hallucinogenic drug does not normally produce such violent effects, users are usually incoherent and spaced-out.

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Florida IRAS Cameras Catch Pot Smoker

Caught on camera

In Orlando, Florida, an Innovative Response to Improve Safety, or an IRIS Camera, stopped a crime in progress.  This was also the first time that this camera system was used to intervene during the middle of the criminal activity.  What crime? Was it Murder, rape, maybe terrorism, no it was someone thought to be smoking pot.  The police officer viewing the activity assumed Joe Haywood and two other individuals were smoking Marijuana and dispatched an officer right away to stop the illegal activity.  When a patrol car arrived on scene, the man with the alleged marijuana swallowed the substance. The officer then said he saw a marijuana leaf stuck on Haywood’s teeth.  Haywood was arrested and the others were let go. He has retained an attorney and plans on suing the police department.

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Packages of pills are shown in blister packs on a surface. The packs contain orange capsules in one and blue capsules in another, arranged diagonally. The background is softly blurred.

Big Pharma Settles at $151 million After Inflating Prices to Make Illegal Profit

Big Pharma

The McKesson Corporation, a company that distributes wholesale pharmaceutical products, has just settled a lawsuit for $151 million with 29 different states including Washington DC.   After an 8 year investigation McKesson has been found guilty of inflating prescription drug prices in order to make an illegal profit.  This investigation found that McKesson had overbilled over 1,400 brand name drugs by up to 25% from 2001 to 2009. Some of these prescriptions included Adderall, Allegra, Ambien, Celexa, Lipitor, Prozac, and Ritalin.

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The Sweet Taste of Freedom… And Revenge

It puts the lotion on!

On August 20th a St. Louis teen tasted freedom for the first time in 3 long years.  She has allegedly been held captive in the Belleville, Illinois home of Steven Johnson since April 2009.  The teen has told investigators that while trapped in Johnson’s house she endured daily beatings and sexual assaults which led to her becoming pregnant with Johnson’s child.  The teen also claimed that she was forced at gunpoint by Johnson to stay in the house.  A SWAT team invaded the house and arrested Johnson and his mother.  While rading the house, the SWAT team found a gun as well as large amounts of Marijuana and Cocaine.  Steven Johnson has been charged with a felony count of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, illegal possession of a deadly weapon, possession of drugs with intent to distribute, and promotion of prostitution.