Tag Archives: Monster

Red Bull Doesn’t Give You Wings?

Fly away

Energy drinks are experiencing a lot of backlash for the negative side effects consumers are falling subject to.  The biggest crusade lawmakers are embarking on, is reducing the amount of caffeine these drinks have in them.  Some reports claim that energy drinks related emergency room visits have doubled from 10,068 in 2007 to 20,783 in 2011.  The biggest cause being caffeine overload.  Many of these energy drinks can contain up to 3X as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee.  According to K. Stephen Whiting Ph.D. of Phoenix Nutritionals, “high levels of caffeine targets the central nervous system and can lead to dehydration and loss of water-soluble nutrients.  These effects cause agitation, sleep disturbance, and possibly long-term anxiety issues”. The main energy drink companies being targeted for more information about their ingredients are Monster, Red Bull and PepsiCo.

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