Tag Archives: Federal Trade Commission

Competing Agencies

Contracts in jeopardy

In response to a ruling that would eliminate all current and future noncompete agreements, two powerhouse associations have taken joint legal action against the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  The Business Roundtable and the US Chamber of Commerce filed the lawsuit within a day of the announcement that within the United States, there would be a ban against employers holding current and former employees to these contracts.  The accusations presented in the filing focus on the level of authority maintained by the FTC to implement such a ban and whether the government agency overstepped its role.    

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Dark Patterned Future

Allegedly deceptive marketing

Due to the implementation of questionable business practices, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has taken legal action against Amazon.  Allegedly, to convince customers to enroll in Prime subscriptions, the company has engaged in trickery.  The effort has apparently been ongoing for years and has led to the positive outcome of increased sales for the company.  In the lawsuit filed by the FTC, the agency claims that Amazon not only uses deceptive techniques for attracting customers to the Prime subscription, but also makes it difficult for existing customers to cancel their subscriptions.  Some are not even aware that the subscriptions are recurring and are renewed without their consent.

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