Category Archives: Settlements

Paper or Plastic? Payment Preference May Be Pricey

Which method of payment?

Retailers and credit card issuers settled last week on terms that will allow vendors to apply surcharges to customers who choose to pay by credit. The additional charge, if implemented, will be used to compensate for small fees the vendor assumes for processing the transaction. This charge can typically range from 1.5 to 3 percent of a purchase when using plastic. And while most merchants are not expected to take advantage of the ruling, don’t expect the ones who do to exercise the same power that several Long Island gas stations have demonstrated.

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The End of Penn State

We Are…

Without question, the Jerry Sandusky child abuse case has completely turned Penn State University on its head. With the recent discovery that head football coach Joe Paterno had tried to sweep the entire molestation issue under the rug, the prestigious and now-infamous institution is now dealing with a deluge of lawsuits that will plague them for years to come.  From the courtroom to the football field, and all the places between, early estimations show that the settlements could reach the $100 million mark as more victims come forward. Continue reading

Women Seeking Relief from Menopause Get Breast Cancer

Cool down

Hot flashes, night sweats, abnormal periods, and breast cancer: everything a woman can look forward to during menopause.  That is, if the woman was prescribed Prempro, a drug designed to relieve menopause symptoms.  Ten thousand women have sued Pfizer for overemphasizing the benefits of Prempro and failing to advise customers of the risks.  Pfizer has already settled with 6,000 women for $896 million since 2006 and has put aside $330 million for the remaining 4,000 women who have filed suit.

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Illinois Law Firm Agrees to Reimburse Scammed Customers


Legal Helpers Debt Resolution, an Illinois company claiming to lower its customers’ debt interest rates, agreed to reimburse customers who paid for the company’s services in advance and yet did not receive any debt consolidation.  The company will have to pay a reported $2.1 million in a settlement with the state.  By law, debt consolidation companies are not allowed to charge an up-front fee.  Instead, a firm can only make money once they’ve actually reduced a customer’s interest rate or otherwise negotiated a reduced debt load.  Usually, this means making a contract for a certain percentage of whatever the deduction turns out to be.  This a necessary protection, as otherwise consumers can be duped into paying for a service that provides no actual benefit.  Only truly determined scum would then be able to take advantage of struggling families.  So how did Legal Helpers Debt Resolution get around this?

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Google Goes On Safari

Look but don’t touch

Have you ever been to a zoo? There are tons of exotic animals like those you’d find on safari all walking about, living their lives, almost oblivious to the fact that they’re being watched. You might also notice signs like “Keep Out” or “Do Not Touch The Glass”, which are most likely for your own safety. Well, Google recently decided to overlook these warnings and delve a little deeper into Safari itself — that is, Apple’s internet browser. A purported breach of privacy settings has resulted in a settlement that will cost Google somewhere around $22.5 million.

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