Category Archives: Settlements

All You Need to Know About Bankruptcy Counseling

I do declare

Bankruptcy should be the last option for you when find no other alternative to pay down the outstanding debts. Filing bankruptcy is an important financial decision of your life that may affect your economic condition badly.

As such, it’s important that you know about the consequences of filing bankruptcy. You may seek help from a bankruptcy counselor to know more about this process. Bankruptcy counseling is offered to the individuals who face financial crisis so that they can understand their options in a better way and, in turn, get rid of debt problems.

Any individual thinking to file bankruptcy should know about the process properly. There are different chapters of bankruptcy that you can file. Each of them has different requirements and resulting consequences. Bankruptcy counseling will help the individual know if bankruptcy is the right decision for their situation. It may also help you find ways to avoid bankruptcy that created problem initially.

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Understanding Drowsy Driving in Relation to DWI

Drowsy driving

While accident and deaths as a result of DWI/DUI get most of the media attention, a report from AAA shows that in the Spring of the year 2010, more than 41% of the U.S. drivers surveyed admitted to having nodded off or fallen asleep while driving. In fact, drowsy driving was the cause of approximately one of every six fatal car accidents and one of every eight crashes that resulted in a hospital visit. These statistics, however, do not even reflect the entirety of the problem.

One main reason that accidents resulting from drowsy driving are not often reported is because of hyperarousal. Hyperarousal is a condition or state that usually eliminates all noticeable signs of impairment due to fatigue and drowsiness. Since the more noticeable signs of drowsiness are eradicated by the chaos of an automobile accident, the main cause of the crash is often not detected or reported.

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What is the Difference between DUI and DWI?


Different states use various letter designations for the spectrum of alcohol and substance related driving offenses committed within their borders. New York recognizes DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), DUI (Driving Under the Influence), DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired (by alcohol)), and DWAI /drugs (Driving While Ability Impaired (by a substance other than alcohol)). New York also prosecutes for Chemical Test Refusal and underage drinkers with a BAC of 0.02% or more, based on the Zero Tolerance law.

One question that often comes up is the difference between DUI and DWI. After all, both charges involve operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other mind-altering substance. Yet, there are some differences in the two charges.

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UCF Student Found Dead With Guns and Explosives

Assault weapon and explosives found

Students at the University of Central Florida have evacuated the Tower 1 dorm after explosives and guns were found in a student’s dorm room.  The student was found dead by a self inflicted gun shot.  Students were moved to the UCF arena and await questioning.

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Changes Came to the California Rental World

Know your tenant rights.

Original post March 8, 2013 by Julie Brook, Esq. from CEB Blog.

In 2012, the California Legislature enacted more than 875 bills! Among them were many interesting changes to California’s landlord-tenant law.

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