Tag Archives: state & local

Wasted Efforts

Compost confusion

By February 26, landowners in Colorado must respond to a motion filed on behalf of Boulder County. Legal counsel is asking for a dismissal of the lawsuit filed by the landowners, who are attempting to protect an easement that was previously placed on a property. There are discussions surrounding the property and its potential use for a compost facility. By collecting 20-30% of compostable trash, the plan to develop the open land on 107th Street would help to combat the growing waste issue. In addition, the facility would present the opportunity for a decrease in the necessity of landfills. Continue reading

Access Denied

Equal rights to book reading

The advocacy group, Center for Independence of the Disabled New York (CIDNY), is taking a legal stand against the Queens Borough Public Library and the City of New York. Fighting for the rights of the disabled, CIDNY claims the new library’s interior, which just opened in Long Island City this fall, violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The lawsuit cites a handful of sections within the library that are not easily accessible to those whose mobility is impaired or limited. Continue reading