Despite her recent demotion within The Real Housewives of OC franchise, Vicki Gunvalson continues to outshine her cohorts as the original Bravo Housewife. Never one to back down from a fight, Gunvalson filed a lawsuit against former castmate, Kelly Dodd, accusing her of speaking defamatory allegations that could potentially harm her business. Throughout the pair’s prolonged feud, Dodd supposedly called Gunvalson a fraud and a con who “prey[s] on older people.” Gunvalson insists Dodd’s statements are untrue and malicious. Continue reading
Tag Archives: california
The Real Estate Husband Drama of Beverly Hills
For those who are dedicated fans of The Real Housewives reality show franchise, we can relate to tuning in every week for the latest drama of five to eight women from all regions of the country. Since 2006, Bravo has focused on the lives and interactions of affluent women and their families in New Jersey, Dallas, Potomac, Orange County, New York City, Atlanta, and Beverly Hills. Let’s not forget the DC ladies who powered through one season. Their husbands and significant others play minor roles in these shows, however, one husband has recently emerged in the spotlight regarding an ongoing legal battle. Continue reading
Operating on Autopilot
While some employees wish they could take a quick nap while their bosses are not looking, one California DMV employee took snoozing on the job to a whole new level. From February 2014 until December 2017, the worker slept at least 3 hours a day at her job. The daily naps continued for nearly 4 years, with little to no discipline issued to her by supervisors. Continue reading
Trouble Brewing for Starbucks
Studies have shown that up to 2 cups of black coffee per day can have a positive effect on the human body. Well, those days may be over. A non-for-profit group in California has filed a lawsuit against a number of coffee companies, including Starbucks, about health warnings on all products solid within the state. A little known chemical in coffee, acrylamide, can apparently cause cancer. Acrylamide is created during the brewing process when coffee beans are roasted. Though many experts agree that the actual risk of getting cancer from coffee is incredibly low, a judge ruled that Starbucks (among other companies) failed to include any type of warning or information of risk on cups of coffee sold. Read More
Agricultural States are Cracking Away the California Egg Law
Due to the chain of events stemming from a California vote in 2008, a challenge was made to the US Supreme Court recently on behalf of thirteen states. Voters in California were in favor of fighting for the living conditions of hens that are bred to lay eggs for farmers. A law was passed in compliance to the vote to require all hens at least 116 square inches of room to stretch their limbs and lay down throughout the day. Continue reading