Tag Archives: train accident

Whistling for Change

On the right track

In Massachusetts, the state’s highest court must consider a lawsuit that was filed towards the end of March, targeting designated quiet zones enforced in pedestrian crossings.  According to the Federal Railroad Administration, throughout the state, 29 quiet zones are in place.  Five of those listed zones are located in the city of Beverly, a suburb of Boston.  The number of quiet zones in this city may be classified as excessive, as no other community, township, or neighborhood acknowledges more than one quiet zone.  State law and federal train regulations do not require the existence of these quiet zones. Continue reading

Lives Derailed in Accident

Train crash

Shortly following a September 25 train accident in Montana, the wife of a deceased passenger has filed a lawsuit against Amtrak and BNSF Railway. The ten-car train was traveling from Chicago to Seattle and was maintaining the speed of 75 mph at the time of the incident. While Rebecca Schneider was located in the sleeper car, her husband’s viewing car derailed, killing him. Two other fatalities in the accident include a couple, Don and Margie Varnadoe, who were taking a cross-country trip in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. A portion of the remaining 138 passengers and 16 crew members sought medical treatment for injuries, and all but five have since been released from the hospital. Continue reading