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A-Rod Suing MLB for Alleged Witch Hunt

Swing and a miss

Thursday, October 3, 2013, Alex Rodriguez filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball and Commissioner Bud Selig accusing them of a “witch hunt” designed to defame the reputation of the baseball star. The Huffington Post states, “The lawsuit, filed Thursday in New York State Supreme Court, seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages for what it alleges was a relentless campaign by the league and Selig to “destroy the reputation and career of Alex Rodriguez.” The suit was filed during initial hearings to overturn the 211 game suspension after violations by Rodriguez in regards to baseball’s drug agreement. Rodriguez is claiming that Bud Selig is going after him to make up for previous inaction in relation to other cases concerning performance enhancing drugs. Additional allegations claim criminal and unethical activity by the MLB including intimidating witnesses and pay outs for testimonies. Read More