Tag Archives: umpire

No Crying, Or Lawsuits, in Kickball

Kicked out of a job

A required element of any sport is competition.  There are times, however, that competitiveness can get out of hand, especially in recreational kickball.  On August 6, the South Carolina teams, “Recreational Hazard” and the “Toe Jammers” went toe to toe for a grueling eight innings before the tension rose to an incredible high. A disputed call at home plate resulted in a debate between player, Michael Lockliear and umpire, Graylnn Moran Jr.  A couple of days later, the umpire received a text message from his supervisor, stating that a third party no longer wanted Moran to officiate games, and was therefore terminated from his position. Moran has since filed a lawsuit, claiming slander, conspiracy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and tortious interference with a contract. Continue reading