Tag Archives: san diego

Sony Presses Reset Button, Avoids Lawsuit

Play on, player

A few years ago, Sony’s free-to-play online service, known as the Playstation Network, was compromised by a rogue group of hackers.  Personal and private data, including credit card information, was stolen from about 70 million PSN users.  A class action was filed immediately in San Diego, California as Sony scrambled to stop the bleeding.  Luckily for this entertainment giant, the hot-button lawsuit has been dismissed.   Unfortunately for the Playstation 3 faithful, a judge has decided to have the case thrown out, citing Sony’s Privacy Policy, which all PSN users agree to, being compliant with the consumer protection laws. Read more

Priest Molestation Lawsuit Settles for $9.9m

In God we trust?

Selecting a new pope isn’t the only thing that the church is making headlines for.  A Los Angeles archdiocese has reached a settlement for $9.9 million over a child molestation lawsuit.  Michael Baker, a former priest, was found guilty for abusing young boys on overnight trips in and around San Diego in the 1970’s and 1980’s.  Read more

$3.3 Million Settlement Reached Over Lack of Tuna in Tuna Cans

Not enough tuna

What had started out in 2010 as an investigation to make sure “what is on the label is what’s actually in the can” finally ended on August 3 in a settlement for California residents.  An increase in consumer complaints regarding the lack of tuna provided by the three major tuna companies Bumble Bee Foods, Tri-Union Seafood, and Starkist Co. has resulted in a $3.3 million settlement.   The investigation was conducted by the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). Their research shows that these companies have been skimping on the actual amount of tuna held within the cans.  All three companies have failed to meet the federal “standard of fill” or “standard of identity.”  Instead they disguised the packed cans with oil, water, vegetable broth, and sometimes tuna.

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California Workers Given a Break or Two

Can almost taste it

The California State Supreme Court issued a decision today to define employers’ obligations concerning their employees’ mealtime.  Some confusion was inherent in California’s meal break laws, which state that employers must give employees a 30-minute meal break per every 10-hour-or-fewer shift.  Employers weren’t sure, however, whether employees must abstain from all work during the 30-minutes and whether it was the employers’ problem to ensure that they do.  Today’s ruling makes it clear: employers must provide employees with the ability to take a 30-minute lunch break, but if an employee decides to work straight through anyway, well, that’s their prerogative.

So, employers are let off the hook and employees must be the ones to make sure they don’t overwork themselves.  The pressure to meet deadlines and maximize performance won’t influence low-level employees’ “decisions” to skip lunch at all.  Sounds like a step in the right direction.  Full disclosure: I usually eat lunch and do a little work at my desk, so I might be biased.  The whipping is a little much, but motivation is motivation!