Tag Archives: rolls

Delicious Dough Turns into a Burning Disaster

Too hot to handle

While a patron may expect and hope for a hot meal when dining out at a restaurant, there is a degree to which food may be considered too hot.  In the case of Nathanael Smith, he was served a dinner roll that physically burned his hand. Last year, Nathanael was in Ozark, Missouri with his family, on vacation.  They had decided to eat dinner at Lambert’s Café, which is famous for tossing hot rolls at the customers.  According to the lawsuit recently filed against the Café, a waiter had placed the hot roll in front of Nathanael.  The waiter had tossed a roll to Nathanael’s father and handed a roll to his mother, but physically placed Nathanael’s roll down in front of him to pick up.  When Nathanael reached for the piping hot roll, he reacted in a way that is directly linked to his brain injury.  He clenched his fist around the roll, unable to let go. Continue reading