Tag Archives: personal injury

Patient Has Her Sights on Compensation

An eye for an eye

We only get two eyes.  If we lose one, it does not grow back.  If damaged, the optic nerve cannot be transplanted.  When it is necessary to undergo surgery on the eye, or eyes, trust the operating doctor and read all paperwork in its entirety.  In August 2017, Sutton Dryfhout granted her pediatric ophthalmologist permission to operate on her left eye to correct a lazy eye and remove a cyst.  In a lawsuit filed in Cook County, IL recently, Dryfhout claims that her trusted doctor not only operated on the incorrect eye, but also falsified already signed paperwork. Dryfhout now suffers from continuous optical complications, including double vision.  Continue reading

Carcinogen Capsules May Cause Cancer

A dangerous pill

The FDA recently discovered that certain heart and blood pressure medications contain the carcinogen NDMA, which may lead to cancer. As a result, several lawsuits have been filed against drug manufacturers and distributors, including the maker of Valsartan, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co.  Many of the medications have since been recalled by the FDA.  While it is reportedly difficult to prove a direct correlation between the medications and cancer, a projected 2,000 personal injury cases may be filed within the next year.  The number of cancer patients who have taken these medications that contain NDMA is unknown. Continue reading

IVC Filters Cannot Prevent Pending Lawsuits

Medical instruments

For every new medication or pharmaceutical device, there is a list of side effects. In the case of implantable vena cava (IVC) filters, C.R. Bard and Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. downplayed the risks involved in keeping the filters in bodies extending past a few months. The purpose of the IVC filters is to stop blood clots that may result in death. Despite the caution involved, filters were implanted for long-term use in the 1970s. In the early 2000’s, the FDA approved the short-term use of IVC filters. It was possible for patients to receive the filter implants, even if taking medication was an alternative remedy. Read more

Rock Bottom: Wrestlers File Concussion Lawsuit

Two words for ya: I’m suing.

A handful of professional wrestlers have teamed up to take down their competition; except this time, the battle is in the courtroom and not the squared circle. We all know professional wrestling is scripted, but the injuries and physicality involved is very real. Ryan Sakoda, Luther Reigns, and Big Russ McCullough have filed a lawsuit against World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), seeking damages related to injuries sustained in the ring, harsh working conditions and lack of physical care. The wrestlers are claiming that WWE management, under the orders of CEO Vince McMahon, forced wrestlers to put themselves in unsafe environments, partake in dangerous activities, and perform through injuries. Claims go as far to say that some wrestlers were punished, removed from TV/storylines, or publicly embarrassed for attempting to prioritize their own health.

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Two people ride white bicycles on a city street. One has a rust-colored backpack and the other wears a hat with ear flaps. The background features a brick building and a person walking, with a road sign visible.

Connecticut Man Sues Citi Bike

Bikers beware

Ronald Corwin is suing Citi Bike for $15 million. He currently suffers nerve damage in his brain as a result of a Citi Bike crash in NYC last October. Corwin was injured when he flipped over a bicycle he was riding after his front wheel hit a concrete barrier installed next to the bicycle docking station at E. 56th St. and Madison Ave. As a result of the crash Corwin currently suffers from traumatic nerve palsy that has left him unable to taste and smell. “Everything tastes like cardboard,” says Smiley (Corwin’s lawyer). “It’s terrible. He’s lost the pleasure of tasting food and of literally smelling the roses” (Lazzaro, 2014).

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