Tag Archives: Media

Cast Away Competition

Festival feud

The executive director of “The Nantucket Wine & Food Festival,” Nancy Bean, has filed a lawsuit in US District Court and is asking for a trial by jury.  Bean’s event has run since 1996, every year during the third week of May.  The focus of the lawsuit involves the discovery of an announcement that Gordon Companies Inc. will be hosting a similar event next year under the name “The Nantucket Food and Wine Experience.”  Although the names of the two events are undeniably comparable, the crux of the legal issue extends far beyond this matter. 

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Little Old Ladies From Pasadena Don’t Try To Choose The NFL

The ruling stands

In the latest installment of the National Football League-to-Los Angeles saga, Pasadena City Council members voted 7 to 1 in favor of increasing the annual limit of big-time events at the Rose Bowl from 12 to 25.  The motive for adding dates lies primarily in temporarily bringing an NFL team (sic: the Jacksonville Jaguars) to the area while a new stadium in Los Angeles is finalized.  While the league, media, and NFL fans across the country would love for the entertainment capital of the world to have a team call Hollywood home the vote’s largest opponent may be its sternest competition: Pasadena residents.

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