Tag Archives: illegal

Blue Sparkles from a water ball from Maui Toys

Sparkling Water Bubbles Up Controversy

Sparkling water showdown

Elizabeth Daly, a student at the University of Virginia says she fled in terror when several undercover officers aggressively swarmed her vehicle after leaving a local supermarket. The officers thought she had illegally purchased beer which they later found out was sparkling water they had mistaken for beer. Ms. Daly was in her car with several friends when plainclothes agents surrounded the vehicle and began banging on the windows ordering her to roll the windows down. After one of the agents drew his gun and another jumped on the hood of the car, Elizabeth said she panicked and was unsure if the officers were indeed law enforcement agents. Ms. Daly panicked and fled the scene in complete fear, grazing two of the agents.
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Raiders vs. Ravens

Oakland Raiders Accused of Violating Labor Laws

No Cheers for the Oakland Raiders!

The Oakland Raiders are being sued for allegedly violating numerous state labor laws. The suit suggests that the organization withheld pay from the Raiderettes until the end of the season, pays below minimum wage and does not pay for hours worked, while forcing cheerleaders to pay for many of their own business expenses. The lawsuit seeks to be certified as a class action on behalf of all present and former Raiderettes who cheered for the team since 2010, estimated to a total of about 100 women.

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Kermit Gosnell Faces Trial For Illegal Abortions

Gosnell’s clinic was found with blood stained rooms and fetal parts in jars

You don’t need to be Pro Life to see that Kermit Gosnell was committing murder at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Gosnell, now stands on trial for cutting the spines of over a 100 newborns, killing his patient Karnamaya Mongar in a faulty abortion, and abusing the dosages of prescription painkillers.

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Closing the Book on the Facebook Lawsuit


There’s a pretty good chance that Mark Zuckerberg had already de-friended Paul Ceglia.  In a recent decision, Ceglia has officially been indicted after faking evidence against Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg.  The original lawsuit, which came about in 2010, stems from the fact that in 2003, Ceglia altered contracts co-signed by Zuckerberg in an attempt to give himself 50% share of the company.  Authorities had arrested the internet entrepreneur in October on charges centered around issues relating to the lawsuit.  Ceglia was guilty of mail fraud, wire fraud, and also attempts at tampering with and destroying evidence.  He currently faces up to 20 years in jail per criminal charge. Read more

Papa John’s Ordered to Give Up the Dough

Papa John’s: It’s probably not better pizza.

Whoever thought text messages offering special deals on pizza would be a bad thing?  A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Papa John’s for sending illegal messages to their potential clients.  Plaintiffs are claiming that while they originally provided their cell phone numbers to the take-out pizza chain, they did not consent to receive advertisements via text message.  Some members of the class-action suit have reported to receive multiple texts back-to-back, and also at odd hours of the night.  The third party mobile marketing agency, OnTime4U, is also a defendant in the suit.  Plaintiffs are seeking compensation at the rate of $500-$1500 per text message.

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