The incomplete construction of the Dunkin Donuts ballpark for the minor league team, Hartford Yard Goats, has led to a $90 million lawsuit against the City of Hartford, CT. The developer hired for the project, Centerplan, claims their contract with the city was unjustly terminated. The city contends that Centerplan missed deadlines to complete the project, made changes to the original plans, and produced several mistakes in the building of the new ballpark. Centerplan blames the city for their delays and the alteration of certain aspects of the original plans. The lawsuit has already progressed to the trial level, and an anticipated verdict will be heard by the end of this Friday, July 5. Continue reading
Tag Archives: connecticut
NY Man Shoots Two and Kills Sister
What is a 62 year old man’s motives for killing two fire fighters and trying to burn down the whole neighborhood? No one knows for sure, but he did leave a note explaining that, “I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down and do what I like doing best — killing people.” Is this just a coincidence after the Newton Shooting, or do should we really be focused on gun control? William Spengler, shot two fire fighters and injured two with a semi automatic rifle, the same gun used in the Sandy Hook Shooting.
Joe Biden to Respond to Newton School Shooting and Gun Control
Vice President Joe Biden is supposed to speak in response to the Newton, Connecticut shooting of 20 children and six teachers. In Obama’s speech during the services for the children and teachers he said that he wanted to, “use whatever this power holds,” in order to keep this incident from happening again. Today Biden will address not only gun control but also that of mental health illnesses.

Mother Speaks Up About Mental Illness and School Shooting
Tragedy struck on Friday, December 14 in Newton, Connecticut. There were 20 children and 6 teachers murder by the hands of Adam Lanza. I think after this shooting we all have come to understand the importance of safety in schools and gun control. But a lot of people are missing the real issue, mental health. One mother reached out to provide some understanding for the situation because she too deals with a troubled son.
$2.5 Million for Family of Crash Victim
According to the New Haven Register, the family of David Servin, a teenager killed in an accident with a police cruiser, have reached a settlement with the city of Milford, Connecticut. The family will receive $2.5 million to drop the wrongful death civil suit brought against the policeman at the helm of the vehicle, Jason Anderson. Servin and a friend, Ashlie Krakoski, both 19 years old, were returning home from a party when they were struck by a police car travelling 94 miles per hour. The now-former policeman was not responding to a call at the time of the accident. Mr. Anderson still faces two criminal charges of second-degree manslaughter.
Although the two teenagers had been drinking that night and autopsies revealed they were above the legal limit to drive, the settlement shows that a civil trial may have been damaging to the city. It’s possible that the policeman would have been found culpable for the deaths regardless of the teenagers’ sobriety. Be careful when on the road, because you never know what’s around the corner.