Tag Archives: animals

Fighting Against Extinction

Save the wolverines!

Wolverines may soon join the list of extinct species, next to the passenger pigeon, the golden toad, and the Caspian tiger.  Despite efforts to push for a wolverine listing under the Endangered Species Act, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has not made any substantial moves.  In response to the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s less than proactive approach in working to preserve the wolverine population, nine conservation groups have banded together in filing a lawsuit.  Filed on March 18, the conservation groups are hoping for a judge to institute a firm deadline by which the US Fish and Wildlife Service must make their decision in listing the animal as endangered. Continue reading

Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Four NYC Chimpanzees

Quit monkeying around

An activist group in New York recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of four chimpanzees currently living in captivity in various locations around the state. The suit is asking the courts to realize that these complex animals deserve “the right to bodily liberty” as any human has. Steven M. Wise, founder and president of the Nonhuman Rights Project states, “When we go to court on behalf of the first chimpanzee plaintiffs, we’ll be asking judges to recognize, for the first time, that these cognitively complex, autonomous beings have the basic legal right to not be imprisoned”. The group will be taking the stand in court for chimps Tommy, Kiko, Hercules, and Leo who are being wrongfully caged by their owners. They state that this will be the first of many lawsuits across the country fighting for the rights of captive creatures.

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