Tag Archives: 5th amendment

When Miranda Rights Are Required

The right to remain silent

The Miranda Warning, commonly referred to as Miranda Rights, is something you are probably familiar with due to various movies and TV shows. Although the Supreme Court does not stipulate an exact wording of these rights, law enforcement agencies have determined a fundamental set of statements to be read to accused persons before they can be questioned.

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Leaked Justice Department Memo Codifies Drone Strikes of American Citizens Without Due Process

Are we not innocent until proven guilty?

A formerly undisclosed Justice Department memo was leaked to NBC News.  This document, titled Lawfulness of a Lethal Operation Directed Against a U.S. Citizen who is a Senior Operational Leader of Al Qa’ida or An Associated Force, outlines the Obama Administration’s legal basis for the targeted assassination of American citizens.  The memo was leaked just before John Brennan goes before the Senate for his confirmation hearings as the new CIA Director.

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