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Actor’s payback against newspaper

Although he has portrayed a wide range of characters that have highlighted his acting talents, Hugh Grant is refusing to allow certain newspaper outlets from tapping into his private life off screen.  In a recent lawsuit filed by the actor, Grant’s legal counsel disparages the journalism tactics that incorporate the invasion of privacy of phone correspondence, breaking and entering, and car bugging.  According to Grant’s claim, these methods were specifically utilized by the newspaper the Sun in crafting gossip articles.  The essential claim in the case centers on the misuse of private information, gathered unlawfully and at the very least, unethically.

Allegedly in 2011, an employee of the Sun illegally entered the fourth-floor apartment where Grant was living.  Although it is reported that the individual associated with the paper did not physically take anything, whatever was witnessed in the apartment was later used against Grant in a published article.  The break-in was not only a major violation of privacy, but also a deliberate intrusion that was allegedly intended to lead to the exposure of the actor’s private life.  This 2011 incident is just one example of the great lengths certain journalists or news outlets may venture to capture the desired information of their subjects.

In May, a judge granted Hugh Grant’s lawsuit to proceed to trial.  The apparent strength of the case derives from the information obtained by a private investigator, hired by the actor, in relation to the newspaper’s invasion of privacy and misuse of private information.  The fact that this accusation is not the first against the Sun may aid in its success for the plaintiff.  Prince Harry has previously made claims, as well as Johnny Depp.  The news outlet and media group has vehemently denied all past and present allegations presented against the company and has even gone as far as administering threats to those who dare to present such claims against the Sun.