Don’t Stop the Game

Taking from the rich…

The stock trading and investing app, Robinhood, has developed into one of the most popular broker-dealer platforms. Aside from its “commission-free” marketing, the benefits include easy accessibility and your first stock free! About a month ago, however, consumers learned of the downsides to using Robinhood. At least 90 lawsuits have been filed against the company for restricting trade of specific securities, including GameStop. Consumers claim that the perceivably unlawful act of the company has caused financial hardship and unfair, lost opportunities for a potentially profitable investment. Continue reading

Wasted Efforts

Compost confusion

By February 26, landowners in Colorado must respond to a motion filed on behalf of Boulder County. Legal counsel is asking for a dismissal of the lawsuit filed by the landowners, who are attempting to protect an easement that was previously placed on a property. There are discussions surrounding the property and its potential use for a compost facility. By collecting 20-30% of compostable trash, the plan to develop the open land on 107th Street would help to combat the growing waste issue. In addition, the facility would present the opportunity for a decrease in the necessity of landfills. Continue reading

Tabloid Troubles

Invasion of privacy continues

Although there is no question that the lives of the royal family have been the subjects of tabloid gossip over the years, the law prohibits an opportunity for legal action well after the incident. Specifically in this recent case, Prince Harry has attempted to file a lawsuit against a news outlet for events that took place from January 1996 to December 2010. Involving personal conversations and exchanges between friends, an ex-girlfriend, and palace aides, Prince Harry accuses News of the World and The Sun of engaging in hacking activities. The problem is that the former tabloid ceased publication in July 2011 and the latter publication denies all accusations or participation. Continue reading

Wildfire Lawsuits Refuse to Extinguish

Snuffed out

Sometimes when you ignore the law, you may have to face the consequences.  Due to the company’s negligence in a wildfire that took place in 2018, J-Spear Ranch in Paisley, Oregon is left to deal with a second lawsuit filed against them.  While the first lawsuit was initiated by a timber company, this second swing at legal action is taken by the federal government.  The lawsuits intend to hold J-Spear Ranch responsible for the Fremont-Winema National Forest’s Watson Creek Fire. 

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Lawsuit Bridges Gap in Construction Plans

Who will determine the fate of the bridge?

Rehabilitation versus reconstruction is the theme of an ongoing lawsuit in Maine.  The Frank J. Wood Bridge will be changing in the foreseeable future, but the question remains whether the bridge will be rebuilt or just modified.  Those who oppose the rebuilding of the bridge are the same groups that have filed a lawsuit against the Maine Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration.  Friends of the Frank J. Wood Bridge, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the Historic Bridge Foundation are pushing for rehabilitation. Continue reading