Decision Wrinkles a Defense

Smoothing over complaints?

For years, personal care and cosmetics companies have produced advertisements that highlight the need to introduce skincare regimens that may aid in the curbing of probable topical aging. By using their products or services, you may look younger, feel healthier, and reduce the weathering that accompanies the passage of time. L’Oreal, however, is one company that must answer to the complaints reported by customers who claim that two collagen products do not adequately help the anti-aging process of wrinkle care. Continue reading

An Outpour of Violations

Preserving the Earth

Given the mission to protect wildlife and preserve the natural order of the environment, nation-wide organizations, such as National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, and Greenpeace, have served communities and continue to heal the Earth. Although conservationists may aim to reach, influence, and safeguard all areas of the country, circumstances may arise that trigger the attention of environmental agencies only after the brunt of damage has occurred. One town in Tennessee, for example, has not only damaged a critical waterway, including its marine life, but is also blatantly breaking the law. Continue reading

Customer Complaints Are Firm

Mattress bedlam

Fibers laced with flame-resistant fiberglass are the culprit to several consumer health issues. Individuals who have purchased the “Green Tea Mattress” have reported injuries that include scarring; and medical bills have exceeded $20,000 in damages per impacted family. In addition, the fiberglass does not necessarily reach the skin of an individual lying on an intact bed, but may be released by removing the top cover. The consumer may then unknowingly transfer the material to other rooms within a home. In response to the effects of the mattress, which is manufactured by the South Korean-based company, Zinus, several lawsuits have already been filed. Continue reading

Golfer Won’t Stand FORE! It

Bogey comments

A well-known commentator for the Golf Channel, Brandel Chamblee, has gone out of bounds with his rhetoric against golf pro, Patrick Reed, and is now facing a $750 million defamation lawsuit. Chamblee’s involvement in the lawsuit, which has also named the Golf Channel as a defendant, is arguably inevitable, as the announcer has allegedly butchered Reed’s professional reputation since the golfer was 23 years old. The critical objective in the complaint is to address instances of Chamblee providing false reporting and exhibiting a purposeful omission of facts with the intent of misleading the public. Continue reading

Can’t Makeup This Violation

Glossing over guidelines

California is home to one of the most rigid consumer privacy laws in the country. Originally passed in 2018 and later intensified in 2020, the law affords consumers the right to know the extent of information collected by companies online, the ability to have that private data deleted, and the capability to refuse the sale of their information to third party entities. The strength of this law led to the $1.2 million settlement of a civil suit, which pinned the cosmetics company, Sephora Inc., of violating consumer rights. The company failed to comply with the law and allegedly sold customer information without consent. Continue reading