Standing at 527 North Grand Boulevard in the Grand Center neighborhood of St. Louis, the Fox Theatre has maintained its status and prestige as a city landmark, earning the moniker, the “Fabulous Fox.” Despite its well renowned history, preservation, and extended use, in 2021, the Fox Theatre became the subject of a land dispute lawsuit involving two parties who claimed ownership of the property. Given the interesting arrangement of existing ownership percentages, it is arguably natural or at least expected that a legal disagreement would develop. In the two years since its filing, however, the lawsuit has been settled. Continue reading
Barking for Alternatives
Pet owners may pause (or paws) to consider the brand of flea-and-tick medications that they administer to their dogs or cats. In a recent consumer protection-related lawsuit, exclusivity contracts are allegedly to blame for the lack of variety in widespread drug products available to pet owners. According to the claim, if given the fair opportunity to purchase generic options, consumers of Advantage II and K9 Advantix II topical flea-and-tick treatments could have saved a lot of money. As the patent guidelines diminished within the appropriate timeframe, generic brands became available to the market about six years ago. Continue reading
Settlement is a Juul
Initially filed in 2019, King County, WA targeted the company that produces and markets Juul e-cigarette products, Juul Labs Inc. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff claimed that Juul purposefully advertised its flavored vapor devices to teenagers and a younger generation. Although the e-cigarette company challenged the claims brought against the company, the parties involved have agreed to settle the Washington state lawsuit for $23 million. While based on the settlement agreement, King County may accumulate an additional $1.8 million, the compensation awarded in the lawsuit will aid in the funding of local tobacco-use prevention programs. Continue reading
Unsweetened Legal Battle
A natural gas leak has been identified as the possible determining factor in an explosion that took place in a chocolate factory, located in Berks County, PA. Although authorities are still investigating the exact reason for the explosion, the impact was so intense that it leveled one of the factory buildings. The blast caused the deaths of seven employees. In a new lawsuit filed against the chocolate factory owner, R.M. Palmer Co., the plaintiff is claiming that employees complained about smelling the scent of natural gas on the day of the explosion; however, the owner allegedly ignored their concerns. Continue reading
Ruling Slopes to Defendant
More than 20 years after accepting the Academy Award for her role in Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth Paltrow has again fulfilled a role that resulted in a win. In 2016, Paltrow was involved in a skiing accident, which allegedly caused another skier to experience the impact of a permanent traumatic brain injury. Initially, the skier, who is identified as Terry Sanderson, filed a lawsuit for $3.1 million and named Paltrow, the ski resort, and a ski instructor as defendants. According to his argument, Paltrow collided with Sanderson from behind and was the sole reason for his head wound. Continue reading