What is a 62 year old man’s motives for killing two fire fighters and trying to burn down the whole neighborhood? No one knows for sure, but he did leave a note explaining that, “I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down and do what I like doing best — killing people.” Is this just a coincidence after the Newton Shooting, or do should we really be focused on gun control? William Spengler, shot two fire fighters and injured two with a semi automatic rifle, the same gun used in the Sandy Hook Shooting.
Category Archives: Settlements
A Kodak Moment: Patents To Sell for $525 Million
It seems that film isn’t the only thing Kodak has been developing recently. The famous digital imaging and photography company agreed to sell their patent portfolio to a large group of companies including Google, Apple, and Facebook. Eastman Kodak, based in Rochester NY, is monetizing their patents to help recover from a recent bankruptcy. Economists are predicting that the $525 million agreement will help Kodak re-emerge from Chapter 11 in the first half of 2013. Amazon, Samsung, and Microsoft are also members of the 12-company group of licensees. Read more
$100M Lawsuit Against Shakira: Did Her Hips Lie?
Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned, just ask Shakira’s ex! Antonio de La Rua, the son of former Argentine President Fernando de la Rua has filed a $100 million lawsuit in New York, seeking compensation for unpaid management fees. The couple met in 2000, shortly after de la Rua successfully assisted his father’s election campaign in Argentina. They quickly became involved and spent ten years globetrotting as Shakira’s career took off. In 2010, the singer took to her website to inform her fans that the relationship ended. She wrote “we continue to be partners in our business and professional lives”.
Joe Biden to Respond to Newton School Shooting and Gun Control
Vice President Joe Biden is supposed to speak in response to the Newton, Connecticut shooting of 20 children and six teachers. In Obama’s speech during the services for the children and teachers he said that he wanted to, “use whatever this power holds,” in order to keep this incident from happening again. Today Biden will address not only gun control but also that of mental health illnesses.

The Most Enhanced Apple Product Yet!
Are Americans ready for their first genetically engineered fruit? The Arctic Apple, developed by Okanagan Specialty Fruits is getting ready to hit supermarket shelves in 2014. Okanagan Specialty Fruits, is a biotech company that focuses on “enhancing” fruit by making them more resilient to ailments such as bruising and browning. Okanagan has created “enhanced” versions of the ever popular Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples (Arctic Apples) that will be less susceptible to the harmless enzyme that is responsible for the browning effect apples experience after being cut. This is a decade long endeavor that has finally reached the last leg of its expensive and exhausting process. My solution to the problem… don’t cut your apples, bite them!