Category Archives: Settlements

Kermit Gosnell Faces Trial For Illegal Abortions

Gosnell’s clinic was found with blood stained rooms and fetal parts in jars

You don’t need to be Pro Life to see that Kermit Gosnell was committing murder at his abortion clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Gosnell, now stands on trial for cutting the spines of over a 100 newborns, killing his patient Karnamaya Mongar in a faulty abortion, and abusing the dosages of prescription painkillers.

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Gilberto Valle On Trial For Murder And Rape Plot


Gilberto Valle’s sick and disturbing fetish is described by his defense lawyer Julia Gatto as a, “vibrant subculture of role playing.”  Gatto is taking an extreme angle defending Valle in his actions of using police databases to find, kidnap, rape, and cannibalize about 100 women.  They are resting on the mere fact that Valle never acted on his thoughts and how can you convict someone for simply talking and thinking about killing women.

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Austin Sigg Tried For The Murder of Ten Year-Old Jessica Ridgeway


I can’t say how I would feel after a kidnapping and murder but I am pretty sure that it was eating at Austin Sigg, 17 year-old from Golden, Colorado.  Colorado courts have ruled that there is enough evidence to prove Austin Sigg guilty for the murder of Jessica Ridgeway.

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Utah Highway Patrol Fired Over False DUI Arrests

False arrests

Trooper of the year in Salt Lake City, Utah is now up against a lawsuit for false DUI charges for over 1500 people.  Lisa Steed had made over 400 arrests in 2009 beating out most of the state of Utah and receiving recognition from the state, but I guess she pulled a fast one over everyone’s heads.  Now, many who were arrested by the hands of Steed are coming forward to complain of the charges that were raised against them.

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Class Action: Golden Corral Gets the Lasso

Giddy up!

A popular restaurant chain based out of North Carolina is now getting grilled themselves.  The Golden Corral Corporation is coming under fire after selling food that was unfit for human consumption.  Plaintiffs in both Seattle, Washington and Casper, Wyoming have come out claiming that employees of Golden Corral restaurant had been negligent towards health precautions and correct procedures taken as part of a class action lawsuit.  Read more