Category Archives: Settlements

Popular Dating App Facing Lawsuit

Tinder gets a swipe left

Whitney Wolfe, a former executive at Tinder has filed a lawsuit against the start-up company on sexual harassment claims. Several complaints of inappropriate text messages and emails were reported by Ms. Wolfe and ignored by upper executives at the company. “Ms. Wolfe said in the lawsuit that even though she was instrumental in the establishment of the dating app, her colleagues did not call her a founder because of her age and gender”. Justin Mateen, the executive responsible for the inappropriate messages sent to Wolfe, has recently been put on suspension. An internal investigation is being conducted within the company.

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Chobani and Fage Being Sued for Hiding Sugar

Sugar substitute?

The Greek yogurt that has been flying off the shelves in grocery stores, has proven to be not so Greek after all. Two separate class action lawsuits have been filed against Chobani and Fage, two of the largest producers of the product in the U.S. “The plaintiffs claim that Chobani and Fage are purposefully misleading customers by hiding the amount of sugar in their products, and by calling themselves Greek”. The men behind the suit claim that through misguided labeling, they are leading customers to believe that their products contain little to no sugar. The term “evaporated cane juice” in the listed ingredients is at the center of this misrepresentation.

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A Timely Lawsuit


Just days before the commencement of the 2014 World Cup, FIFA was served suit by the Brazil’s Athletes Federation. The Brazil’s Athletes Federation was looking to have the schedule of the games modified, particularly the start times and the mandatory “cooling breaks”. The intended schedule of the 24 matches beginning at 1pm Brazil time were the main complaint of the Brazil’s Athletes Federation. The federation believes all games should begin no earlier than 4pm. This time change causes major issues with worldwide broadcasting due to the time zone differences around the world. Read More

Wind-Energy Companies Can Legally Kill Or Injure Eagles

Illegal eagle deaths rising?

A conservation group is suing the Obama Administration. A federal rule is giving permission to wind-energy companies to injure or kill eagles for the next 30 years. According to the Huffington Post, the lawsuit was supposed to be filed on Thursday, June 19th in San Jose, California. The American Bird Conservancy, the suing party, claims the rule is illegal because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to evaluate whether this rule would harm eagle populations. The Obama Administration considers this rule to be an “administrative change” which bypasses a full environmental review.

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Occupy Wall Street Protesters Reach Settlement with City

Picket lines-do not cross

Many protesters who were involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement were arrested for frivolous charges during their demonstrations. These protesters then filed suit against the city in federal court stating that their right to free speech and free assembly were violated. The Huffington Post states, “Over the course of multiple protests in New York, many Occupy supporters were arrested in situations in which the police blocked or “kettled” demonstrators and then charged them with minor violations like obstructing the sidewalk”. This is the latest and largest settlement regarding the 2012 arrests, a $583,000 settlement was reached Tuesday, June 10. Over $1 million has been spent by New York City settling Occupy lawsuits such as this.

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