Category Archives: Settlements

Nursing a Community

Delivering housing options

This summer, a settlement is set to receive final approval, which would benefit thousands of Medicaid recipients living in nursing homes across the state of Massachusetts.  The original lawsuit was filed in October 2022 on behalf of seven nursing home residents that argued the state was within violation of a 1999 US Supreme Court ruling, which characterizes the failure to provide a means for services to those who wish to live outside of care facilities as discriminatory.  In the settlement, the state of Massachusetts would agree to pay $1 billion over the next eight years toward community support options.

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Claim it Fast!

Fast food settlement

Although Chick-fil-A has not admitted to any wrongdoing and denies allegations, the company has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit that was initially filed in October 2023.  In preparation for the settlement disbursement, the Georgia-based fast-food giant has established a cash fund in the amount of $1.45 million and a gift card fund totaling $2.95 million.  The customers that were directly impacted by the company’s alleged actions must file a claim by February 15.  The accepted claimants may receive up to $29.25 in either cash or a gift card.

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As Plane as Day

Undesirable traveling

The holiday season typically welcomes the tradition of visiting with family and friends, which often requires travel by car, train, bus, or airplane.  The latter option yields particularly high volumes of passengers around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.  Although airlines appear to execute efficient effort to avoid delays and accommodate customers, one airline has developed a reputation for a reason some may not expect.  Two lawsuits entered against American Airlines involve the treatment of underaged children.  While one was settled, the other was recently filed.

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Dispute Closes Curtain

Theater argument

Standing at 527 North Grand Boulevard in the Grand Center neighborhood of St. Louis, the Fox Theatre has maintained its status and prestige as a city landmark, earning the moniker, the “Fabulous Fox.”  Despite its well renowned history, preservation, and extended use, in 2021, the Fox Theatre became the subject of a land dispute lawsuit involving two parties who claimed ownership of the property.  Given the interesting arrangement of existing ownership percentages, it is arguably natural or at least expected that a legal disagreement would develop.  In the two years since its filing, however, the lawsuit has been settled.   Continue reading

Boat Case Fares Well

Case cruises to an end

In the few short months following the guilty verdict of accused murderer, Alex Murdaugh, various financial and legal details have continued to resurface, leaving onlookers to question or assess the arguably ugly past of the prominent South Carolina family.  Serving two consecutive life sentences, Murdaugh was entrapped in various legal woes that contributed to his debt and the subsequent alleged motivation behind his accused lethal actions in 2021, which left both his wife and son slain.  One of the stronger theories of Murdaugh’s intent to kill focuses on his inability to pay his various financial misdeeds, including damages in a wrongful death lawsuit. Continue reading