Author Archives: Lawyer Team

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This blog scans breaking news to find significant and interesting legal settlements. is a directory website for lawyers. Featuring the best search in its field, connects people who need legal advice to the most qualified professionals who can provide it.

NY Newspaper Hires Armed Guards After Recent Expose of Local Gun Owners

Constitutional rights

Shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, Westchester, NY based newspaper, The Journal News, published the names and addresses of all licensed gun owners in the county.  This was met with some support, but also harsh criticism.  In response, The Journal News, deemed it necessary to hire armed guards for the protection of its property and employees. Was the disclosure legal?

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More Suicides in Army Than Combat-Related Deaths

Devastating statistics

The Department of the Army just released statistics for 2012 showing that there have been more deaths due to suicide over combat-related deaths.  This year alone there has been 212 deaths because of combat, a number too high, but 303 deaths have been from suicide.  The Department of the Army included the 303 suicides are from soldiers in active duty, Reserve, and the National Guard.

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NY Man Shoots Two and Kills Sister


What is a 62 year old man’s motives for killing two fire fighters and trying to burn down the whole neighborhood?  No one knows for sure, but he did leave a note explaining that, “I still have to get ready to see how much of the neighborhood I can burn down and do what I like doing best — killing people.”  Is this just a coincidence after the Newton Shooting, or do should we really be focused on gun control?  William Spengler, shot two fire fighters and injured two with a semi automatic rifle, the same gun used in the Sandy Hook Shooting.

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Unconstitutional Search Leads to Lawsuit


To quote an exhilarating and thrilling movie of our time, Superbad, “I assume you all have guns and cocaine.”  This thought might have been running through State Troopers David Farrell and Kelley Helleson’s minds when they pulled over Angel Dobbs and Ashley Dobbs.  The two women are suing the Texas State troopers for an unconstitutional body cavity search.  They were pulled over for littering with cigarette butts on a highway in Irving, Texas.  The state troopers suspected the two ladies of smelling like marijuana so they felt it necessary to pull them out of the car and search them.  Angel Dobbs passed the sobriety test and the car was searched.  They then continued to search their persons, going so far as to reach in their genitals.  The women claim that State Trooper Kelley Helleson did not even change gloves when she searched each girl.  Angel and Ashley are now suing for the humiliation and violation that was caused during the search.

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Joe Biden to Respond to Newton School Shooting and Gun Control

Let there be peace

Vice President Joe Biden is supposed to speak in response to the Newton, Connecticut shooting of 20 children and six teachers.  In Obama’s speech during the services for the children and teachers he said that he wanted to, “use whatever this power holds,” in order to keep this incident from happening again.  Today Biden will address not only gun control but also that of mental health illnesses.

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