Tag Archives: nutrition

Pastry Complaints Fill the Courtroom

Breakfast battle

If you’re looking for a quick solution for breakfast, Pop-Tarts might serve as your option of choice. Although these toaster pastries are conveniently packaged and offer a large number of calories, they are also crammed with sugar and additives. Despite the lack of nutritional value Pop-Tarts bring to the breakfast table, customers have recently started complaining about the amount of berry filling in the strawberry-flavored Pop-Tarts. The customer reviews have grown increasingly skeptical, and following the charge of one customer who claimed she did not get what she paid for, a $5 million class action lawsuit has been filed. Continue reading

Protein Powder Ripping Off Athletes

Bodybuilders beware

Several companies have been on the receiving end of lawsuits claiming lack of protein in their supplements. A large number of the companies in this $7 billion industry are being accused of selling products with less protein content than what they advertise on the label. “Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Mass, for instance, contains half the protein stated on its label, according to third party testing in one lawsuit”. FDA regulations require that content labels on all dietary supplements be accurate and not misleading to the consumers. In this case the expectation is that protein content be evaluated based on actual protein sources, not fillers such as amino acids.

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Chobani and Fage Being Sued for Hiding Sugar

Sugar substitute?

The Greek yogurt that has been flying off the shelves in grocery stores, has proven to be not so Greek after all. Two separate class action lawsuits have been filed against Chobani and Fage, two of the largest producers of the product in the U.S. “The plaintiffs claim that Chobani and Fage are purposefully misleading customers by hiding the amount of sugar in their products, and by calling themselves Greek”. The men behind the suit claim that through misguided labeling, they are leading customers to believe that their products contain little to no sugar. The term “evaporated cane juice” in the listed ingredients is at the center of this misrepresentation.

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