Tag Archives: attendance

New Student IDs Track the Student’s Location

This tag is probably already in your dog.

Two schools in Texas have begun implementing a new form of student ID.  This “Identification Card” does much more than just provide a form of identification for the student, it actually tracks their current location. These ID cards are known as RFID’s, or radio-frequency identification cards.  RFID’s give school administrator’s the ability to see where the students are physically located at any given time of day.  This tracking program was started by the school district in an effort to keep the students in school and to reduce truancy.  People hope that this tracking program will increase daily attendance and lead the school district to save as much as $175,000.  This amount is lost daily due to low attendance from the students.  Higher attendance could also lead to an increase in state funding of up to $1.7 million.  Furthermore, this tracking program will increase student security and safety, increase attendance, grant access to various parts of the school, as well as influence purchasing power within the school.

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