Author Archives: Eric Whitman

Don’t Rush to Get a Prepaid Card

More money more problems

Prepaid debit cards have been a blessing in disguise for many of America’s working class, as it keeps its users from over drafting their accounts or spending money they do not have.  One of the most popular versions of the prepaid card family is the RushCard, which is owned and operated by celebrity icon, Russell Simmons.  The trouble started on October 12th during a scheduled maintenance session, in which a multitude of users had their accounts cleared, as well as the delay of paychecks with Direct Deposit features.

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Retriever’s Bark Worse Than His Bite


Everyone has been woken up by a clap of thunder, loud noise or dog bark; but little did we know that a dog’s bark were grounds for a lawsuit. Woodrow Thompson, a local Seattle, Washington homeowner, recently sued his neighbors and their dog Cawper for $500,000. In the suit, Thompson claims “profound emotional distress”, in which he outlined in a 36-page manifesto.  Thompson’s complaint suggests Cawper is capable of barking at 128 decibels through double pane windows. According to Purdue University research, that would mean Cawper is louder than a chainsaw, a clap of thunder and just a hair quieter than the takeoff of a military jet.

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