Red Bull Space Jump & The Future of Patent Lawsuits

Whose is it?

The Red Bull Stratos jump caused, 8.5 million people to watch Felix Baumgartner fall through the atmosphere at the speed of sound.  Red Bull was able to create a live moment that captivated millions.  Everyone was talking about Red Bull for days.  Obviously millions cannot witness the event live in-person, so the platform to deliver the message is equally as important.

Google & Apple’s $500 million bid to purchase Kodak’s image patents has settled future litigation regarding still images.  When these patents are acquired, both companies will claim ownership and have the security of knowing they are free from any type of still image patent lawsuit.  But what about streaming video?  When Felix Baumgartner jumped, was that a Red Bull story?  Is there some type of proprietary ownership dealing content creation and content distribution?  Where does the ownership start and when does it enter the public domain?  Dr. David Martin discusses the future conflict in a Bloomberg interview.

‘Just-in-time’ content will soon be a new buzzword.  Google has YouTube.  It was the platform of choice to broadcast the Red Bull Stratos jump and there were no intellectual property disputes this time.  One thing is clear, the event was a success.  Forbes calculated the jump gave Red Bull tens of millions of dollars in global brand exposure.  Google, Apple, Yahoo and others will push the boundaries of what constitutes a patent yet again.  This time to claim ownership of streaming video and establish itself as the platform of choice for the next ‘just-in-time’ global phenomenon.

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